Housing Help Centre
Housing Help Centres help individuals apply for a social housing waitlist, keep their housing and avoid eviction.
There are several locations around the city. A list is available here. Many shelters have a Housing Help Centre within them.
Social Housing
Housing Connections manages the centralized subsidized housing waitlist for Toronto. Waitlists can take 5-10 years, depending on the person’s needs and requested locations.
Application instructions are available here. Applications can be filled out online or printed and mailed, faxed or delivered in person to the Housing Connections Resource Centre at 176 Elm St, Toronto, M5T 3M4. For more information, visit www.housingconnections.ca.
CASH Program
Coordinated Access to Supportive Housing (CASH) is a program of the Toronto Mental Health & Addictions Supportive Housing Network that provides a centralized access point for patients with mental health and addictions problems who need supportive housing.
The application form is available here, and can be faxed to 416-916-1689, or mailed to 661 Yonge St, 4th floor, Toronto, M4Y 1Z9. For more information, visit http://www.tosupportivehousing.ca/.
Central Intake
Central intake is a central number and the preferred way to access emergency shelter in Toronto. Call 1-877-338-3398.