The homeless population faces unique and challenging medical issues which health care providers must be prepared to address. ICHA offers medical students, clinical clerks, residents and fellows the opportunity to develop their knowledge of homeless health and their clinical skills, and to learn about the agencies working with the homeless population in Toronto through the Health of the Homeless elective, a family medicine and psychiatry-based elective which takes place across multiple homeless service sites.
On ICHA’s research page, you will find an assortment of print and internet resources which will broaden your knowledge of the issues surrounding the health of the homeless. Learning Objectives
By the end of the 3-4 week elective you:
- Will be able to describe the major health conditions and common co-morbidities facing homeless clients.
- Will be familiar with the work-up and management of common conditions found in homeless patients.
- Will be aware of, and sensitive to, the major determinants of the health common to the homeless population.
- Will be aware of the types of agencies working with the homeless population in Toronto and the medical and non-medical services they offer.
- Will understand a multi-disciplinary, case management-oriented team approach to caring for a homeless client.
Elective Structure
This is a self-directed elective, structured according to your interests and personal learning objectives. You are responsible for creating your elective schedule from a list of available clinics. It is recommended that you schedule a number of your clinics multiple times over the course of your elective, in order to allow yourself to become familiar with their functioning and to give you a sense of continuity of care.
Please contact ICHA Education Lead Dr. Deborah Pink and Trudy Stedford-Sinclair to check for availability to book this elective. Once booked, you will receive the Health of the Homeless Elective information package and a list of agencies and physicians currently taking students approximately 4 weeks before the start of your elective.