Arranging Your ICHA Elective
Thank you for considering Inner City Health Associates for a portion of your medical education! All of our electives are arranged through the University of Toronto.
Step 1: Please contact Dr. Deborah Pink and Trudy Stedford-Sinclair for current elective availability at Inner City Health Associates. If there is vacancy for your proposed elective time, you may continue to the next step.
Step 2:
- If you are a medical student at University of Toronto please use MedSIS: More information can be found here:
- If you are a medical student in Canada somewhere other than the University of Toronto please use the AFMC student portal to book your elective through University of Toronto:
- If you are an international medical student, please see the following website under the heading “Students from International Medical Schools”:
- If you are a resident at the University of Toronto: please arrange with your program director to do an elective at ICHA.
- If you are a resident somewhere other than the University of Toronto please access the following website to determine your next steps: PGME HomePage | Postgraduate Medical Education (